Why It's Beneficial and Important to Train Speed During Your Sports Season

Why It's Beneficial and Important to Train Speed During Your Sports Season

Improving Game Performance

Speed isn’t just about running fast in a straight line; it’s about the ability to quickly change direction, accelerate, decelerate, and react to game situations. In sports such as football, basketball, and soccer, the fastest accelerating player usually has a clear edge. Including speed training during the season helps athletes develop these skills, therefore enhancing their performance in game conditions.

Game Effects

Speed training improves an athlete's explosive first step—which is vital for defeating an opponent off the dribble (in basketball), getting in the correct position to defend a pass (soccer), or beating a defensive back on a go-ball (football). Regular speed work helps with athletes’ ability to accelerate fast and decelerate effectively, which is essential for preserving balance and control during unexpected direction changes.

Preventive Damage

Prevention of injuries can be much aided by in-season speed training. Among the most often occurring causes of soft-tissue injuries include hamstring strains while sprinting and high-speed running. Athletes run more danger of injury when they ignore speed training during the season since they might not be sufficiently ready for the fast demands of competition.

Psychological Edge

During training, speed work can create a competitive environment that motivates athletes to push themselves and their peers.

Training speed consistently throughout the season helps athletes stay mentally sharp, targeted, and ready to perform at top levels during pivotal events in the competition.

Dealing with In-Season Needs

The demands of in-season competition might vary substantially; different sports call for different adjustments. Each sport and every athlete can have their particular needs met by customizing speed training. Football players could concentrate on explosive short sprints, for instance; soccer players might do more multidirectional speed drills.

Sport-specific exercises allow coaches to replicate game situations, so directly applicable to in-game activities by means of speed training programs. Including speed training with appropriate load management helps athletes train effectively without overexerting themselves, therefore guaranteeing their ability to stay fresh for the games.


Maintaining and improving athletic performance depends on training speed during the sports season. Athletes who include speed training into their regular in-season schedule will have a competitive edge, enhance their in-game performance, and lower their injury risk. Both coaches and athletes should place speed training as a priority during the season to guarantee optimal performance.

Maintaining an emphasis on speed can be the secret to ongoing success all through the season, whether that means through focused speed sessions or combined drills during practice.


Kelly Dawsey, Ed.S

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